Sekai was 19 years old when a severe accident caused multiple injuries, including the loss of his vision. The physician who was treating Sekai recommended Lighthouse Guild. 

We arranged for Sekai to have occupational therapy and orientation and mobility instruction to maximize his function inside and outside his home. “The tools that Lighthouse Guild provided to me are very useful and so helpful to me mentally in terms of my lifestyle. … I feel I have more freedom now that they have shown me how to navigate around the neighborhood. It’s a lot easier for me to be able to do things like using the microwave.” Even only one year after his accident Sekai was optimistic, noting that “they have already helped me with a lot of things that I am really grateful for.”

Now, having received services for a few years, Sekai is planning his future. His father, William, said: “He told me the other day that he was thinking about going back to work. Knowing there is a place that can assist you with that and help get you there, you cannot ask for anything more than that. To me, that is a big obstacle, and to know that it is available to him takes a load off mine and my wife’s mind.”

The tools that Lighthouse Guild provided to me are very useful and so helpful to me mentally in terms of my lifestyle. I feel I have more freedom now.

Sekai, client
Sekai, client

Share Your Story

Lighthouse Guild is collecting stories about how eye health programs benefit you and your family. These personal stories are invaluable in showing local leaders how this issue impacts real people. Share your story and help ensure our future health care system reflects the needs of our communities.